Thursday, 1 March 2012


To start off with my 'representation' project. I had come back losing  the ideas I once had because of recent events, to which had lost all sense of meaning. I missed a months worth of work because ofthe loss of my gran. I was was mind blocked. But to start of with the project I just wanted my subjects to jump on the spot, and whilst descending i'd take the shot. I didn't want to take a standard portrait photograph, I wanted to see the expressions the subjects had pulled before and after jumping.

Photos taken from 'Representation' book.

Jumpologys orgins come from a photographer name, Phillipe Halsman. Halsmans idea on jumpology breaks the natural conventions of portraiture. "May I take a picture of you jumping?" apparently became the most successful questions in history of photography. And I do say this whole idea is a good thing, if you want you're subject to become more expressive in a sense, if you were to break the conventions of taking a portrait photograph. Halsman took photographs of famous people such as. Marilyn Monroe, Audrey Hepburn, Salvador Dali, the Duke and Duchess of Windsor and others more in his book "jump."

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