Colin Gray had started to produce a body of work
during the 1960’s, his orgin of works were of pictures of outings with his
family, be it celebrations or abroad. In his book “In sickness and in health”
it maps out the final stages of his parents. It goes in fairly quickly in terms
of how life can only come to an end at some point in our fragile live, in this
case he has decided to document these final stages. This also springs up to
mind of Susan Sontags work, how she had documented the death of her own mother.
When thinking about someone dying, you do everything you can to be with them.
To try and help in anyway way possible. People as a whole when they know
someone is nearing death, they just stand and wait. But in Sontag’s case it
seemed as if having the camera present, had helped her cope with her mother’s
death . It seemed as if Colin gray’s shots are very up close and intimate
within this book making the viewer to try and understand the type of emotion
that he’s trying to evoke and make us feel.
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