Friday, 27 January 2012

Week 1: Induction

We were shown various blogging websites, to introduce us as to what to produce at the end of this project. To give us a taste of what we're meant to produce for this semester. I own 2 personal blogs. I only decided to blog because I found it quite therapeutic to write something down. Then somewhere down the line come back to it at some point and maybe at that point in time when re-reading it, found it interesting on the thoughts in which I had back then, because they may or may not be completely different to present me. It's within self realizing this at the end of each post.

Like I mentioned I have my own blogging website which allows me to vent out my problems,thoughts, inspirations, past experiences. An online diary which allows the maker to edit posts which were once made. Here are a couple of snippets of my blog.

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