Friday, 2 March 2012

Foto Marvellini

Marvellini's works are none of which i've ever encountered, these vintage esque portraits are supposed to be ancestors of famous superheros.The Marvellini brothers had altered old family ancestor photos to which are quite comical in a sense, in a way you question the image more on top of the original image. This line of work, you don't actually ever get to see the person behind the masks.

In a sense when looking at these images, it does sort of question when we look at all portrait photographs, not just this line of work. It questions this visage we have of ourselves, a face. And these masks to me represent just that, no matter how comical and as much of a joke it is. It does bring a message that may not be intended by the photographer seeing as he himself might of had his own intentions. But I see it as something that breaks through conventions, and makes the whole idea of portrait styled photos less so serious. 

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