Friday, 16 March 2012

Analogue Vs Digital

It's become apparent that technology has progressed and will keep on finding ways to actually making everything  more and more efficient for us. But is it necessary? Before coming onto this course I knew nothing on the technicalities on photography, I did a graphic design course for 2 years. I thought that coming into the course i'd learn a few things to which I'd never knew about photography. That there was more to "Digital Photography" and now my views on this type of photography has changed. And now i've grown acoustmed and prefer using analogue. Even though this type of photography seems to be dying out slowly, I think anyone who has a strong passion for photography, that one of the necessities in which they should consider and think of learning is this type of photography.
Photo taken by myself
Location: Paris, Eiffel tower

 Theres a certain feeling in which you get when you manually do things and producing the photographs. A feeling which you don't get with digital, to me anyway. For me, I like the spontaneity in film, with digital photography I find myself constantly going back  to the image in which i've taken and constantly trying to perfect the image. But during the process of doing so, I find myself losing to what I was trying to achieve in the end.
Orientation Project 1st semester 

All images here are shot with a Canon EOS 500 Film camera.

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