Maurizio Anzeri, does a lot of embroidery. His intentions are to bring the photo to life thus making the photographs into 'photo sculptures.' He stated that "I dont want to be nostalgic, when I work on them to me they become more present" His intentions were to bring the past into the present through the use of embroidery, to bring life to these old neglected photographs and give it more of an identity. His view on photography is quite interesting. He states that,
"We all still look at it as if its real. It's trapped in there and its like you managed to cast some kind of magic spell on that piece of paper to entrap some kind of reality to use and reuse every time you look at it"
Taking a sliver of the world through that view finder that we all take. We critically analyse that photograph, and go back to it, in world they seemed to be trapped in.
Own attempt
One of the thing's I find fairly therapeutic is sewing. For this line of work, I had produced I went back a few projects and rekindled what I had done. This was experimentation for 'representation' project. I had only used red and black thread, because of the loss that I had. None of us are allowed to wear, red clothing or buy anything that is red, during the funeral we weren't allowed to wear black either. It was one of the traditions filipinos try to uphold even though I dont think much of it, I respected it.